Smart Comedy of the Week: Mr. Deity

Neil StraussThe Loop

Back in 2006, when lonelygirl15 was outed as a fiction, suddenly YouTube became the new breeding ground for creative writers and actors trying to break into television through webisodes.

One of the best of these was Mr. Deity.

What’s inspiring about this is the simplicity. It’s just two actors against a white backdrop. There is no actual action and the only props are a pen and clipboard.  And what’s amazing is that it has a thesis, and manages to make an argument and point, in just a few minutes and solely through comedy.

It’s a testament to the power of a perfect script:

At the time, actor/director Brian Keith Dalton (aka God) got a deal to turn the show into an actual television comedy.  But, like the actress who played lonelygirl15, the big break never happened.  However, when the Mr. Deity show fell through, he started making new episodes of the show on YouTube. I haven’t seen Seasons 3 and 4, but heading to now to watch them. Hopefully they’re as good, as the first season and not tainted by the countless TV executives who wasted Dalton’s time and creative energy. See you there….