Friday Gear Report: Barker River’s Firesteel

afrankelSurvival, Survival Gear

Burled Dessert Iron Wood

I’ve bought some foolish things; I fully admit to it. Usually their beauty was matched by exceptional function. But sometimes, you just want something because it is pretty even thought a much less costly version exists that will perform just the same (we are still talking about gear here right?)

Not too long ago I stumbled upon Barker River’s Firesteels. It didn’t matter that I had more $15 firesteels stashed in more kits and jacket pockets than I could remember, I really wanted one–just because it was pretty.

They come in a plethora of handle options from exotic woods, Micarta, or G10. Some, for the truly fancy, even come with liners…

So, if you really want to impress/confound your friends with the fact that you paid $50 for a firesteel, or if you are looking for a very unique gift for that survivalist who has everything, here are the “supper hot babes of firesteels” (as Neil put it when I shared them with him)…