The Top Game Books

Neil StraussNeil, The Game

Still out on the road doing research for the next book, but I took some time off to prepare an important list for those of you on your own Game-related self-improvement journey. Many people who’ve read The Game want to know what books influenced me as I was learning. And I’ve often recommended some of the following books. For those … Read More

Book of the Week: The Painted Bird

Neil StraussThe Loop

I get a lot of emails from people who don’t read fiction asking for recommendations of good fiction books to read. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to start recommending a few great fiction books that are impossible to put down. Starting with The Painted Bird. The Painted Bird is a dark book about the violence of human beings, … Read More

Why You Should Read Fiction

Neil StraussNeil

I realized this when my agent told me he represented a book that had been nominated for the National Book Award. Despite its critical acclaim, it had sold, he said, only two thousand copies. Afterward, I was talking to my publicist at HarperCollins. And she was discussing how it was nearly impossible for a first-time novelist to get significant press. … Read More