The Self Sabotage Cycle


Here’s the latest article from Neil on dealing with self sabotage A student of mine recently confessed to being stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. They had exciting, clearly defined goals for the month. But after taking a few small steps, they’d get distracted and prevent themselves from going any further… Which is a place I think we’ve all been.Whenever someone … Read More

The Ins And Outs Of Gun Ownership

afrankelSurvival, Survival Liberty

The right to own and carry a firearm is one of the most contentious in this nation, a battleground visited as often as that of free speech, abortion and the separation of church and state. ‘Keeping’ Arms Your right to keep (own) a firearm is enshrined in the Second Amendment of U.S. Constitution, which states that, “[A] well regulated militia, … Read More

Neil Strauss On Ragnar’s Urban Survival

afrankelSurvival, Survival Book Reviews, Survival Reviews

Ragnar’s Urban Survival as an Urban Survival Guide Ragnar’s Urban Survival is a book packed with lots of information, but nearly as many faults. About The Author Ragnar Benson (assumed pen name) is a prolific writer specializing in non-fiction survival topics. He is the author of approximately 37 books (this number may be low) covering such topics as retreats, hunting, … Read More

Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Silencers

afrankelSurvival, Survival Gear, Survival News

An October Zombie Edition Why Silencers Are A Useful Tool Depending on the caliber, silenced firearms protect hearing without the shooter and people close by from having to wear hearing protection. In most instances, Silencers reduce the sound of a firearm to below OSHA guideline level for hearing damage. New shooters taught with silenced firearms are less likely to develop a flinch as they are … Read More