The Self Sabotage Cycle


Here’s the latest article from Neil on dealing with self sabotage A student of mine recently confessed to being stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. They had exciting, clearly defined goals for the month. But after taking a few small steps, they’d get distracted and prevent themselves from going any further… Which is a place I think we’ve all been.Whenever someone … Read More

Writer’s block doesn’t exist…

Richard ArthurWriting

I want to share a takeaway from one of the experiential exercises I designed… Which delivers an important, mind-altering lesson. Not only does it prove writer’s block doesn’t exist… It pulls you into the empty space where great creativity happens. Let me explain… One of the myths in creative work is that you need to begin with some extraordinary idea, or experience… And … Read More

Handle Your Hot Buttons

Richard ArthurWriting

I wanted to add a thought expanding on a previous topic I discussed rest and stress… Because managing that balance has an impact far more than it may seem. In addition to impacting your health and immunity, stress lowers your emotional and psychological capacity.    Your capacity to perform well, to think clearly, and to handle pressure, conflict, and your hot buttons.    When … Read More

Honor Confidentiality

Richard ArthurBooks, Challenge, Writing

This is the latest article from Neil… To continue supporting as many as I can in finishing your books, and other projects, I want to share a few extra lessons I’ve learned recently before we continue our regularly scheduled programming here. This tip has applications far beyond writing, so read on for the bigger takeaway.    I took note of … Read More

Throwing An Emotional Boomerang

Richard ArthurWriting

This is the latest article from Neil… In one of my weekly coaching groups…A member recently confessed to being stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. They had exciting, clearly defined goals for the month. But after taking a few small steps, they’d get distracted and prevent themselves from going any further…  Which is a place I think we’ve all been. Whenever … Read More

The Front Matter

Richard ArthurNeil, Writing

Now on to our second and bonus lesson.. I realized I needed to stop taking the damn words so seriously, and I finished my first novel–A dream I set for myself when I was just a little boy. I felt like I was learning from someone that understood why the writing matters. Someone who appreciates the art. And I learned … Read More

Surrender To Art

Richard ArthurWriting

Here is the latest article from Neil… I want to talk briefly about a sticking point I’m noticing. One thing I’m noticing, though, is that there is a tendency, drilled into us since childhood, to always think and plan ahead. This may not be true for writing and art. Think of art more as meditation. the goal is to surrender to the moment, … Read More

6 Levels of Change

Richard ArthurAdvice

This is a much older article from Neil on change…This is usually not enough. I’ve been wanting to write a series on a concept that is fundamental to The Truth. That series begins today. I’m going to slowly walk you into it, because every single person can benefit from this. However, not everyone is ready to hear it. What we’re … Read More

The Meaning Of Life, The Secret To Happiness, and Killing Zombies

Richard ArthurWriting

This is a much older article from Neil regarding life… —————————————————————— THE MEANING OF LIFE AND THE SECRET TO HAPPINESS —————————————————————— When I was in high school, I had a teacher who gave us a reading list of the best works of literature in the world. Number one on that list was the Bible. So during summer break, I decided … Read More

A thousand small improvements

Richard ArthurBooks, Writing

  Here’s Neil’s latest tip on writing… I wanted to share an insight that has freed many writers who were blocked. It’s easy to write, but it’s exhausting to doubt yourself. When you set over-thinking aside, and just show up to do the work, it’s amazing what you can accomplish. When you simply start writing words without judgment, follow the … Read More