Become an oak tree


Just as acorns are meant to become oak trees, we’re meant to unfold our fullest potential. When we stagnate or get stuck, we intuitively know something is wrong. We don’t feel much happiness; instead, we feel increasing despair and frustration—aware of our untapped potential, yet feeling trapped and unable to act on it. These harder feelings, though uncomfortable, are actually … Read More

A personal call to action: My reflection on giving back in 2024

SharonNew Years

So, it’s been a challenging time in the world, and I find myself reflecting on the importance of giving back. I know, I know – my New Year’s message is a bit late, and we’re already 1/12th into the year (a somewhat scary thought!). Truth is, I wrote this a while back and somehow forgot to press send. Sometimes, completing … Read More

Becoming Unstuck


Over the years, we’ve been on quite a journey together. Whether it’s through books, emails, or various programs, we’ve evolved in our own ways, shaped by our interests and resources. When I started coaching, my focus was on seminars. The idea was simple: gather everyone in a room for a weekend, share my knowledge, and watch lives improve. Sometimes it … Read More

Rewrite A Script


I’ll trust you… And assume you’ve put some thought into your formative experiences surrounding money. If you did, you’ll be well prepared for today’s exercise. Because what we’ll be doing next is rewriting your money script—the mindset and collection of beliefs that you’ve been acting out, which dictate your financial situation. To rewrite a script, you’ll need to have a copy … Read More

Trust Life’s Process

Richard ArthurWriting

This is Neil’s latest article on dealing with negative states of mind…. No matter what path you choose in life… 
You’re bound to encounter fearful or negative states of mind. Even after years of therapy, and successfully reparenting yourself, they will inevitably pop up.  But, if you want to get rid of fear, doubt, negativity, or tough emotions… 
You may … Read More

We can literally move mountains

SharonAdvice, Neil

This is the latest article from Neil   When you look around… You can see a myth playing out in modern society… That you’re supposed to feel good all the time. You should be comfortable, happy, pain-free, and always in control. So, any experience different from that is often seen as an unwanted glitch… Something we should get rid of, … Read More

The Front Matter

Richard ArthurNeil, Writing

Now on to our second and bonus lesson.. I realized I needed to stop taking the damn words so seriously, and I finished my first novel–A dream I set for myself when I was just a little boy. I felt like I was learning from someone that understood why the writing matters. Someone who appreciates the art. And I learned … Read More

6 Levels of Change

Richard ArthurAdvice

This is a much older article from Neil on change…This is usually not enough. I’ve been wanting to write a series on a concept that is fundamental to The Truth. That series begins today. I’m going to slowly walk you into it, because every single person can benefit from this. However, not everyone is ready to hear it. What we’re … Read More

Writing tip #5 TK

Richard ArthurWriting

This is the latest article from Neil on writing. If you want to create compelling, unputdownable writing. And feel fulfilled by the process, read on below: No, that’s not a typo. It might be your new secret weapon… Last time, we covered one of three practical tips to support your creative process: Having a sacred space. These next two will … Read More